Tuesday, December 16, 2008


My friend Suzanne writes "How I do what I do" posts, and I was thinking about her one day when I was giving the babies a bath. I have learned, a lot of times it is easier for me to do two at a time, and kinda assembly line them. I used to do the same with my own stair step babies. They actually seem to like it. I run just a little bit of water in the tub, and lay them on their back. Now, I can just ask one of the kids to stand there to watch them while I am switching babies out, and their bedroom is right by the bathroom, so that makes it easy too.
When I was taking these pics, Z was just staring at me and I was trying to get him to smile...and instead Hunter was laughing at me! When Hunter came here, he would SCREAM during bathtime. I hated bathing him. I would begged Clay to do it for me b/c I couldn't listen to it. It was like the water truly hurt him....and he seemed to prefer the water cold to warm...as did his sister. Now, that boy LOVES LOVES his warm bath. He even likes to just get his whole face wet. His sister can't stand to get her face wet, but when his face gets wet when I am washing his hair, he just laughs. Zachariah has always loved his bath. Even the first one I ever gave him when he was just 6 weeks old he seemed so happy during that time. When he would be fussy, I would give him a bath, and it would always settle him down.

Nothing like bathing with an audience!!! These kids are climbing all over me when I am bathing the babies. Lately, I let the kids take turn acually bathing them, which they love, and I can just back up and supervise, and not feel clostrophobic. That bathroom is tiny, and feels even smaller with kids climbing all over my back and legs!


  1. I always bathe mine together. They love it!

  2. Omgosh.. how fun and crazy! lol

    Samuel was the first one of our babies that I got SMART and realized that it's easier to bathe them in the tub with just a bit of water rather than fighting with the HUGE infant bathtub. Omgosh.. why didn't I know that the first two times? lol
