3:00 am Is that baby really crying???
3:30 am (as I am just about to doze off....) Why are you in my room, daughter? To tell me another daughter is awake, crying her arm hurts? I really don't care at this time, but let me get up anyway.
3:45am Really? same baby, crying again? You can't breathe well? Well let me suction your nose....oh, please don't scream and awaken the other 3 kids that are actually asleep right now.
**I think I better just stay up a bit and monitor...I hear little girls wispering, and heavy breather baby doesn't sound settled either.
4:00 Sshhh...girls...YOU BETTER GO BACK TO SLEEP! pat pat pat to crying baby
4:15 You have got to be kidding me....the OTHER baby is awake now???? I know he NEVER goes back to sleep once he is awake. I will just ignore them and hope it all goes away....please don't cry too loud, littlest girl just dozed back off. At least you guys aren't really crying yet...maybe there is hope you will go back to sleep on your own. I will just keep staying up to see what all is going on, but I am not going in that room, b/c then you guys will expect me to pick you up!
**thoughts....I bet their parents are enjoying their sleep right now, while I am suffering!"
4:45 So, now that you are really stirred up, I guess I will go in there...bottle to one....more nose suctioning to the other... Who is that at the baby's door?? Why it is big brother, saying "I knew you were suctioning out his nose!" (FYI Baby has RSV or Bronchotitis, and the doc told me the only thing that can be done is to suction, suction, suction. Oh JOY! Bet dad is glad he is missing out on that, huh?)
5:00 am...Yey! Finally one baby back asleep. The other one.....PLEASE just go back to sleep, you have had your bottle.....Please.....what?? You aren't going to do that?? Just cry at me? Against my better judgement, I am coming to pick you up....(anytime I get him up out of the bed he thinks it is play time)....rock, rock, rock, sing, sing, sing....no it isn't play time...you are very sleepy...don't you know that??
Sometime later....YEY, I can't believe I just rocked you back to sleep....that never happens.
5:30 So....do I go back to bed?? Is that really wise?? I think it will just make me feel worse when I get up. But can I really survive this day with 6 kids, running around, Clay gone working, with only 3 hrs of sleep? UGH!!
** Of course, we had respite this weekend to have a little break, and now you guys will undo any extra rest I got this weekend, huh? ** In just a couple of hours I get to drive you to see your parents with all 6 kids in tow, and then pick you up after being sugar fed/bottle overfed, leaky diapers, too much Christmas junk from your parents that aren't getting the true experience of being your parents, huh?? Seems like they got it pretty good, huh? And now that I have been up with all of you all night long, let me go be mother of the year being grouchy to my own kids! (sorry for the bad attitude.....sometimes it all gets to me, and lack of sleep does that quickly!)
Not exactly the same,but I can somewhat relate,with my oldest girl,her father has never had a thing to do with her,it has always irked me that someone can create a life and then go on living theirs like the one they created never existed.Especially when she was very ill the first few years of her life.She has had RSV several times,I remember having to do deep suctioning at the hospital many times,ugh.When she got older,having her tonsills and adenoids corrected the RSV with....[pneumonia,bronchitis,bronchiolitis] syndrome.
ReplyDeleteRough night, hope the day went better. I can only imagine how that feels when the bio parents get to sleep and do what they please and then be fun for visits.
ReplyDeleteHey, at least you are being honest! I sometimes secretly think some of those thoughts in my head.... let me just pretend I don't hear the baby crying.....