Sunday, April 27, 2008

Could 2 siblings look more different?

I have been going through old pics again...this time the ones on film. I have another shot similar to this one somewhere that is my favorite.
In this picture, Noah is about 11 months old, and Leah is less than a month. When I was pregnant with her, I didn't know what I was having until about 3 weeks from delivery. As I pictured my new baby, boy or girl, I pictured it looking much like Noah. He was born with light blond hair, and not much of it. Boy, were we in for a shock when this baby with a head FULL of black hair was born!! I love this picture b/c is shows how different the 2 looked. And even still, I don't really think they favor. I said all the while I was pregnant with Rachel she would be the missing link...and she is, she favors both of them I think.


  1. WOW! They really don't look anything alike! Rachel does complete them...

  2. my girls had thick dark hair when they were born too and my boy was bald.
