Monday, April 7, 2008

My sister is visiting....

She is taking a 2 week class in LR, so she is staying with us. She celebrated her 20th birthday last week, and we got to throw her a party.
The first night she was here all 3 of them piled on the couch with her and didn't move.
The girls helped me bake her a cake.

Then, you can imagine the fun we had icing the cake.....(VERY bright food coloring....3 impatient kids all wanting their turn....oh, and Leah's tooth fiasco happened during all this too!)
Noah singing happy birthday to her at the top of his lungs!
Oh, and Noah posed his army Mr. Potato head toy beside the cake in honor of her husband Nick!


  1. now that was fun! i don't think i've ever let my girls decorate a cake like that. maybe i can get my aunt to do it for me.

  2. How cute of Noah!! Please tell her we are all thinking of him!!

  3. Awww! It looks like you all had fun!!!

  4. Happy belated birthday Kara! Looks like you all had fun. Cute that Noah put the army guy next to the cake.

  5. Happy B/D Kara! I'm coming to your house for my birthday if those kids will make ME a cake!

  6. I didn't know you have a sister! I think I have seen her before....
