Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'ts coming, I promise!

Ha Ha...I will get this thing set to private, but I just haven't had a chance to sit down and do it yet. In case I got everyone wondering, we do still have a little bit before we are ready for our new children, but we are getting a lot closer, and I look forward to sharing all that with you. But, until then, I will still keep posting...b/c I am getting behind! LOL My life goes by too fast to keep up with living it, and blogging it! LOL

Thank you for everyone that has sent me your e-mails...I feel so loved!!! If you haven't sent me your e-mail yet, go right ahead!


  1. I'm anxiously awaiting news on your new children! I can't wait to read all about your upcoming experiences!

  2. Did I send you an email yet?My mind has been just slipping here lately.
