Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pics from the trip

I have been waiting to post these b/c I wanted to put the pictures on here in order of our trip, but the first ones are on my little camera that first had a dead battery, and now I can't seem to find it in this disasterous house, so we will have to wait for those. (I seemed to have taken over 500 pics...good grief of me!!)
Look at all the shells!!!! That is the most we have ever seen in Orange Beach.
Yes, I do know that my daughter is wearing a bikini and I am the one that was ranting about them a couple of posts back. I just thought it was a cute suit that I had let her picked out. At the end of the trip, Clay asked me why I let her get such a skimpy bathing suit.....I said, well I didn't think it was skimpy until I saw all these teenage girls walking around in bikinis this week!
She and I just liked it b/c we were singing...."She wore an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini!"

Noah, digging a hole, his favorite thing to do on the beach! He dug one everytime we went out there, and would work so hard at it!
Rachel kept finding all these big cool seashells, and we were amazed she was finding them. Then we discovered she was snatching them from under someone's bucket!
I am so glad I found these swimsuit covers from K-Mart before we left! I had no idea they would be the #1 thing we wore!

We were excited to find a lot of sand dollars this time!
Leah with the "I just got out of bed, and fixed my own hair" look. I LOVE it!
I think this one may have been the only time her nose was clean! LOL She spent the whole trip with a snotty nose.


  1. Let the baby wear a little bikini while she's still young! Once she hits 12 or 13 it won't be so cute anymore, she may as well have at least one pic in a bikini where she's not looking at her thighs and stomach...lol.

  2. Yeah,I agree young is definitely the time to wear the yellow polka dot bikini!!

    That is alot of seashells!!

    Its funny you mentioned dead batteries in cameras,thats why I have a lack of photos here recently...LOL

  3. Hi Maury;

    Looks like a nice time, Love LOVE LOVE those last three pictures.

    One of my favorite things to do is to collect seaglass. Did you find any?

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  4. Fun FUN! I'm so jealous!! That actually was a ton of shells! We (normally - not this year, though) go to Orange Beach every year and have never ever seen that many!!

    I love how your little thief was so intense in walking her shells to her pile! THAT is awesome...and SO funny! She meant business!!
