Sunday, August 24, 2008

More of Zachariah

I love this blanket that Christie got for him, and the outfit too. He has such a pretty skin color, any color looks good on him...I really like the red. He has an orange onsie that I love that color too.

He is just so much happier when he doesn't have clothes on, and he also spits up a lot, so I end up with so many pictures of him without clothes. I promise I dress this baby everyday!


  1. I love the ones on the green rug!! How adorable!! He's absolutely precious! And, I would've loved to have seen you two this morning...if I wasn't on my way downtown, too! How FUNNY you called me!!!!! That's GREAT! :o)

  2. Sweet boy! That blanket is TOO cute. I wonder where she got it.....

  3. He looks so content in those. Looks like you are doing a good job!

  4. Oh, I love him! Could he be any cuter?!

    He is obviously doing fantastic in your home... GREAT JOB!!

    You take such beautiful pictures... gosh I wish I had half the photo talent that you have!

  5. Maury! I always forget to look on here and I am so glad that I did today. I just read his story you posted and it is amazing. Zachariah is supposed to be with your family for sure! I love his pictures, I'm with Dena, the ones with the green are adorable with is skin tone. How wonderful he has this home and great family right now to take care of him!

  6. Those are absolutely gorgeous pictures of the little fella.So sweet...what else can ou say but awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
