Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our first day with him

Here are more pictures from our first day with him that I had on my little camera. Thank you Leah for making sure that he has pictures taken with his "momma"!

He LOVES a bath. Everytime I give him one he is so happy just splashing around. The other night, he cried for over 2 hours, and I finally gave him a bath and it calmed him down instantly. This was his first one see my 2 big helpers? They are right by my side everytime I give him a bath, fighting over who will help....then they fight over who will help me with his diaper and dress him afterwards. (I only stepped back long enough to take this picture)
We only used this little one a couple of times, as I realized he wanted more room to spread out. I Now run about 2 inches of water in the big tub and lay him on his back and he loves to flap those arms.

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