Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Does anyone watch this show?? Leah has gotten us hooked on it. I think this is the only show we look forward to watching as a family now that we don't have cable. Tonight when I announced it was on, I heard a loud shout out of WOO HOOOOOO from Leah.
Before Baby Z came along, I would get up during a commercial to do something, get distracted, and never end up back at the tv. It is so very hard for me to sit still to watch tv. Well now, he likes for me to hold him so much, plus, I am so tired, it is very easy for me to just sit there during an entire tv show, but I like that. During the evening, I am right there in the middle of everything going on with the kids instead of fluttering around the house.
The last 2 weeks, I have watched the entire episode of Wipeout. And I guess b/c I am so tired, it has made me laugh so hard, it has brought me to tears. I know it is b/c I am delirious, I can feel it. Once I start laughing, I cannot stop. I was just boohooing last week....freaked the girls out. This week, when I started it again, Rachel said, "oh no, not again!" It is just so stinking funny to me!! Normally, I don't like things that the announcers say trying to be funny, but even that is funny to me on this show. I just laugh at everything on there. Yep...it is probably my need for sleep. Is it really that funny??


  1. OH MY GOSH! It is SO that funny! Brian & I (as you know) don't have cable either, so we watch this from time to time. I laugh my head off each time! And, Braiden loves it! He laughs, too. He loves it when someone falls or gets hit in the face. Weird boy.

  2. We love that show too. It's one of the few things we like to watch each week. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a warped sense of humor. We like the "I survived a Japanese Game Show" that used to follow it too.

  3. Yes. It really is that funny!
    That's one of my favs and I normally don't like 'stupid' shows! :) The big balls are the funniest thing. I haven't watched last night's episode yet -but we'll probably watch it tonight... I hope they haven't gotten rid of the big balls. They are the best part.

  4. yes, it's that funny!

    we LOVE it around here too! it's our family time show too!
