Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This little boy is changing everyday. Just this week his mood has improved so much, and he has been so alert. It is exciting to see his personality come out....(you know, besides Mr. Discontent). He had the best day yesterday...very happy and alert all day. And then, last night, he slept from 11-5, Clay got up and fed him at 5 and he went back down, and slept until 10:30!! Now tonight he will probably be back to up every 3 hrs again, but I was proud of him!! Haha his eyes are a little swollen today from all that sleeping!
We bought him this chair last week, and he really enjoys it. This is the only place he will stay content for any length of time if I am not holding him and he is away. He sat there about 30 mins last night just watching us.

His latest thing, when I am holding him against my chest, he pushes back. I made the comment last night that it would be great if someone could stand behind me, and take pictures of him b/c he looks totally different from that angle. Well, since the person I was speaking to about it didn't show any interest in my photography needs, I had the idea today to prop him on the arm of the chair, and it had the same effect. I love it when babies are trying this at the beginning, and they concentrate so hard, and they are bobbing all is so cute!

This one makes me laugh out loud. He is looking at me like, "how many pictures are you going to take???" Son, you just don't know where you live, do ya?


  1. Sweet boy! I guess it is true... I miss Oak being a little baby again! I don't miss the sleepless nights though..... He is such a cutie and you are being a great mommy to him! I laughed out loud on your comment "Son, you just don't know where you live!". Too cute!

  2. Those expressions are priceless!!! What a sweetie pie. I'm glad the sleep was better last night, that makes a world of difference.

  3. he has already changed SO much!!

    and look at him go with that little bobbly head!!

    so sweet.

  4. Oh yeah if he does not like his picture taken then he is at the wrong joint ain't he!!?!? LOL Keep taking sister and get to work on that book!

  5. These are the sweetest pictures ever!!!!!!!
