Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our day today

Christie called me last night to see if I could keep her daughter for her today. She is on the adoption coalition for DHS, and they were having a meeting with over 25 prospective adoptive parents to answer questions, and let them look at the heart gallery photos. So, I was excited. I just love Brejah, she is such a sweet little girl. She was so funny imitating everything I did. And, I was reminded of my days when Leah was a baby. Brejah just turned 1, the age difference between her and Zachariah is the same as Noah and Leah's.
I loved how Zachariah was looking at her. I wonder if he remembers her...she was his sister for a couple weeks....just a couple of weeks ago. She kept trying to climb in the seat on top of him, and thought she was playing a game with him called TAKE THE PASSY...he didn't think it was too fun. Haha
She is teething so she has a runny nose. I did wipe it before I took the picture, but it was running fast! She is such a happy little girl!

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