Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bee Sting

***BEE STING UPDATE*** The penny may have worked a bit, but not the way it said it would. Maybe it would have worked better had I done it immediately too. May be worth a try if you are ever out and it happens. I took another tbs of benadryl and went to bed, I woke up an hr later, and was groggy as could be, but my hand had quit hurting. It is itching pretty bad today. I never imagined a bee sting could hurt for 12 hrs! It just plain ol hurt when it first happened, then it felt like I had been burned, and then it made that whole side of my hand hurt. ***

I got one today at 10:00 while taking pictures, and now at 9:30, my hand is still throbbing and hurts so bad!!! I had an entire day of picture taking, and my hand was killing me! Anyone have any suggestions to make this pain go away, I am listening! I wasn't able to do anything immediately, which I think is why I am still hurting now. When I googled it, all the suggestions I found was to be done within 30 mins of the sting. I wasn't able to ice it until almost an hr after it happened. I have a penny taped to it right now. Crazy I know, But that was something I found when I googled cure for bee sting. I will let you know if it works. Something about the copper in the penny reacts with the venom. It hasn't been an instant cure, but I do feel a little relief.....or maybe my benadryl has kicked in....I know I can feel the affects of the benadryl in my head...I am a zombie! I hope those babies don't need me too much tonight!


  1. I've heard about the penny--I'll be interested to hear if it works!

    A little "too late" advice--I keep those little bee sting things that you can get at Wal-Mart handy. They are small so you might want to slip some in your purse or pocket when you are working. :)

  2. My great-grandma used to make a baking soda paste and put that on us.
