Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Their visit

Tuesday Amber and Hunter had their first visit with their mom. That morning, when I was getting her ready, she told me she didn't want to go, she wanted to just stay with me. She also had not seemed too excited the night before when I told her about it. I was kinda surprised b/c she as talked about her family so much until the last few days. So, I told her how she would just visit a little while, and then she would come back home with us. The other kids rode with me, and she was glad to have them along. As we were getting closer, she did start to say she was ready to see her.

I don't even go in the building when I take our children for their visits. I just call the caseworker to tell her I am there, and she meets me at the back door. I think I would be o.k. with meeting hte family, but I don't care to do that with my bio kids along, and right now at first, I am o.k. with not meeting them.

When I picked her up, the case worker told me that Amber didn't cry when everyone left, but she did seem pretty sad in the car, but perked up about halfway home playing with the "girls". I was so happy to hear how much family came to the visit. It was her mom, a set of grandparents, and great grandmother, and another grandmother. And, we have changed the day next week so that one more grandpa can come. They only get 1 hr to visit, and I really wish for everyone they could get longer. That is a lot of family to have to visit with in such a short time. One of her grandmothers brought her a gift. They may come from a rough home, but just as I had suspected from listening to her talk, those kids have a lot of family that love them. The case worker did tell me that she has 4 background checks out on the grandparents, so they hope to get to take them. She did express a concern though with both sets that it may not work out for either set to take the kids, but they are both wanting them. The case worker said her only concern was, where were they before all this happened, why weren't they helping out before so this didn't happen? And, I agree with that myself, it does make me a little leary of the idea of them going back, but Amber does seem to have such strong family ties, I hope for them that happens too. I think that might be a good thing for them. I love these kids, and they are so sweet. Truly, Amber never stops smiling and giggling, and Hunter is always happy too since he has gotten over his little cranky spell. I said tonight that our cranky selves could use a little of their happiness rubbing off on us. haha

Another thing I have been thinking about with Hunter's delays....Amber told me tonight that Hunter also went to the daycare with her. If that is so, seems like someone there would have noticed how delayed he was. And, b/c we don't have any medical history, it could be that he has been diagnosed with something, but I am thinking no if she wasn't even current on his vaccinations. Hmmm

1 comment:

  1. wow. I can't imagine the stress that she has to go through during those visits...and you waiting for that time too. I met a lady tonight at a church function who is fostering a baby while they are waiting for an adoption to go through. She said he was a handful, but I think what you guys do is amazing. I really hope that I have the opportunity to do something like this someday. You totally inspire me!
