Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life with 6 kids

We are adjusting. Bedtime seems easier than before, which is odd to me. Bathtime is easy too. Laundry.....OH MY WORD....I am drowning in laundry! I use to think I had it together a bit, but I am far from it now. Our home stays a big mess these days, and I just don't have the energy to care. Amber is LOVING school. She is so excited everyday when I pick her up. I am so glad for that. As much as I feel guilty about every decision I ever make, I feel certain that this is a good thing for her. I am still amazed at how well she has adjusted to our family.
I do have more energy that I previously could have ever imagined I could have to take care of all these kids. Which is a good thing. And, I have actually lost 10 lbs since Zachariah came 3 weeks ago.
I think the worse part for us is that we no longer all fit in a vehicle together. Christie gave me her double stroller, and I really feel like a family outing is doable, but Clay still keeps saying he doesn't want to go if we don't go in the same vehicle.
We attempted to go to church last week. Our church has a Sat service, and we thought that would be more doable for us right now. After 2 hrs of getting all the kids ready, it was time to leave, we both still weren't dressed, I was exhausted, Hunter was crying, Noah was complaining of a headache and stomachache...(turns out that was legitimate) and Rachel was about to conk out. I thought, this would be a great opportunity to get a group picture of everyone looking nice, and about the time I said that, Rachel was out asleep, Zachariah was asleep, Hunter was crying, Noah had taken off his shirt and was curling up. That is when I took those pictures of Amber. She and Leah were the only 2 still hanging on for me.
The school schedule is kicking my butt. You would think the addition of 3 more kids would make me relieved to have the kids going to school during the day. Ugh....Our entire family thinks school was a bad decision. Clay and I both agreed today that it is truly a waste of time for us. I still have to have the fight trying to get them to do their work, only now it is stuff that is just busy work, too easy, and after they have already spent 8 hrs at school and all they want is a break, and there is more senseless work to do. They haven't learned a think so far....Noah says he misses the Math and Science we did....which was a lot more advanced than they will ever get around to doing this year. I had found something that was working well for Rachel, and Leah, she doesn't seem to care either way. The traffic is hideous in the mornings, and just the time we spend getting ready, taking them to and from school, and doing homework.....I did spend less time doing schoolwork, and we were learning more, and much happier. I think that maybe putting them in school has shown me what I needed to know. Even with the extra kids here, Clay and I miss the kids incredibly. I am seriously considering bringing them back home.
There have been several "picture perfect" moments in my head that I wish I could capture.
Supper together sitting around our dinner table, our last empty chair, filled with a smiling happy girl. Two baby boys beside the table in their bouncy seat and swing.
Our van when I get all 6 kids loaded in it, it just makes me laugh, and also warms my heart......along with the window that is taped b/c the power window quit working, while it was down, and it is wedged shut and taped into place...and who has time to get that repaired now?
Last night I was holding Zachariah asleep on my chest, reading to my 3 girls.
Last night I looked around the room and Clay was feeding Zachariah, Noah was playing with Hunter in the floor, and I was comforting Amber. I love how involved our entire family is caring for these kids. Everyone takes turns voluntarily feeding the babies, and the girls have taken Amber in as their own.
Well, this was all a lot of is 8:00 and ALL kids are asleep, and I think I better head that way while the getting is good! haha


  1. i love those moments! they are so affirming about what we do. just wait! even in a 12 passenger van, when it's full (when i was carpooling to school or the kids have friends, etc.) I LOVE IT! ;) it's just so great to look in the rear view mirror and see all those kids!

  2. Such sweet moments, how wonderful that everyone is pitching in to help with the kids. I know that must make your heart just full as can be.

    I'm sorry that school is not working out for you all. There's nothing wrong with bringing them home again if it fits your family better.

  3. wow,girl,I want you to know I am still thinking and praying for you guys!

  4. i'm glad everything has calmed down and you are in a routine. i don't blame you about your kids and school. you know what works best. i just wish i could/was able to homeschool, b/c i can't stand the school system around here. we are moving in a couple of months to pansy and would love for my kids to attend woodlawn school but i don't see any possible way for it to happen until they got older and was able to stay by themselves in the afternoon. long time away and then they wouldn't want to change schools. did you find anything out with the hearing for amber and her brother from last week? :) you have given them the best home life in the world and i would just hate to see them go back to whatever they were in before. so scary and sad. i understand that the bio parents need to be with their children but do these parents REALLY change?
