Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More from today

I am up now waiting on Zachariah to call it a night. He came to life whenever I got the other ones to bed. I don't really mind since I didn't have any down time today to just sit and hold him, but I am oh so tired! I had about 3 hrs of sleep last night. The kids all slept great, but I couldn't sleep b/c I kept worrying what Amber would do when she woke up in a strange place. As it was, she woke up about 8 this morning, and I heard her in there quietly talking, and I went in and introduced myself, and about that time the girls woke up and you would have thought she had known us forever! She has talked about her family a lot today. She seems really close to her papaw. I don't know what that situation is like, but I hope maybe it will be where he will be able to take the kids. She was telling me how he takes her to church, and then she asked me if I go to church!
She was a big challenge in the sharing department. And it was worse b/c she wanted to play with all Rachel's toys she just got for her b-day. But, all in all, it went very well considering how bad it could have all gone! ha The 2 baby thing is just a huge challenge. Hunter is a really good baby even, and Zachariah slept a lot....(explains why he has been wide awake the last 3 hrs, he sleeps better during chaos I have determined) but I didn't have one minute of downtime until 9 pm. The day all just kinda seems like a blur to me.
My mom and sis are coming tomorrow, and I am excited about the extra hands to help hold babies! They are coming though to help with everyone b/c I have to take Zachariah to court. His judge requires the children to be present. I am unsure what that will all be like, and will probably be seeing, possibly meeting his parents tomorow. That makes me a tad nervous, but at the same time, I want to. I am thinking sitting in on this I will probably learn more about him and his parents than any other way. I do wish Clay could go with me but he has to work.
Well, baby Z has been quiet for a bit, so I guess I am off to bed. I pray I get to stay there for at least 4 hrs before I have to get up again.
Look at those curls on the end of her hair!! I love them. I wasn't able to brush her hair at all today. Oh, I wanted to so bad, but it was still pretty. And she also has a lot of pretty natural shades of different color through out it. I took Amber to WM to get her a few things. I picked her out this gown, and then decided to get the girls both a matching one. It was a hit, and a great bonding time, they all got excited about it, and seemed to play together much better afterwards.

They wanted me to take a picture of them pretend running
He is such a happy baby. He doesn't cry much, and when he does it isn't loud.


  1. Looks like you are doing a great job despite the sleep deprivation. Hang in there, I know you can do this. It takes time to adjust when you bring one home from the hospital, it's only natural for it to take a little longer to adjust with all that these kids are going through. I'll be praying for Clay. That's a bunch for any man to adjust to at once.

  2. Oh my goodness girl.I will definitely be thinking and praying for you guys!!!
