Saturday, October 25, 2008

Leah & Mom

Wednesday, Leah went with me for Z to go for his visit, and we had 2 hrs to kill, so I went out in search of a Shipley's Donuts. I have been craving donuts lately, and have really been wanting some from there. My grandmother used to get donuts from there when I was little, and I can't remember when was the last time I ate donuts from there. They were just like I remembered them. (and then Clay had to burst my bubble and tell me he thinks that is where our church gets their donuts....but I didn't know that, so it doesn't count, right?) We had a good time, and I have decided to start choosing one at a time to go with me to have 1:1 time.
Leah is such a nut. These pics crack me up! I just love her.

Boy...I look like I just got out of bed!


  1. Man those look so good!! I think I gained 5lbs just drooling over them.

  2. One on one time.. You HAVE been watching John and Kate plus 8! I knew it. Hey, that donut does look good!

  3. You had to have donuts! Looks good and I'm on a diet. Sounds like a fun time for you two. I know the kids will appreciate these one on one sessions.

  4. I dont think I have ever had shipleys but I LOVE some plain ole krispy kremes!
