Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My family

I sure do love my family! We had a fun celebration for Amber's b-day. She went on to school today b/c I had major cleaning to do...(to find all her stuff in the house in case they were to leave) plus getting her cake made, presents wrapped....and a ton of clothes washed so their clothes would be ready. The kids asked me all day long when would I go get her b/c they were so excited about her party. They did just about everything for it. Helped with the cake, wrapped all the presents for me, blew up the balloons, and got the table set. I felt bad sending her to school on her b-day, but I just didn't know how I would get everything done with her and Hunter her. (he is in daycare too, but just goes part-time)

I didn't hear anything back today about court. I kind thought that would be the case b/c the time for it was so late in the day. I could have gone, and would have liked to, but it wasn't mandatory, and they didn't want the kids there, and I just figured it was more important that I be here with the kids and have her party just in case they were leaving today. So, I guess I will hear something tomorrow. So, I get to my kiddos to bed again tonight! Yey!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a good celebration. I'm glad you got at least one more night with them. Praying for the news today to be good.
