Sunday, October 12, 2008

More from the zoo

I know we did this 2 weeks ago...but I am just now getting around to posting the rest of our zoo pics. Outings are so few for us this day....we have to keep reliving them for weeks to come. haha
We caught the eagle taking a bath!
My 3 sons

That turtle came up where we could pet it!

This one cracks me up.....Just Leah's expression with her hand out...and Rachel scratching her backend....I don't think Leah wants to take that hand now...haha


  1. LOL!!!!!That picture of Rachel and Leah is funny!

    It looks like you all had a wonderful day!

  2. Looks like a good time was had by all. Your comment at the beginning cracked me up... Haha!

  3. i see they got that go-rilla's be-hind painted!
