Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Are all those kids yours?!?!

The kids and I went down to the Farmer's Market in downtown LR yesterday, and I cannot tell you how many time someone asked us that question! And, I guess we were a sight with a double stroller and 7 kids....all age 6 and under. One man asked me if we ran a daycare...and I is kinda like that! The kids were all very well behaved and we were proud of them! We had a lot of fun, and she and I both agreed that we are going to have to do it more often b/c the food was a hit with the kids and us.

There was a thing set up outside the Museum of Discovery to demonstrate how they had to crawl close to the floor in a fire.

at the Farmer's Market
We got all the kids rings for a $1

Yep, my strong Leah can carry that bag better than her brother!
Yep....that's a lot of kids!
Hmmm not too sure of that strawberry!
So sweet....Leah held her hand on the way back to the car
I love this picture! Everyone is looking in a different direction...but it is almost like it is planned! LOL
And here we are shelling our purple hull peas that we got from the Market. They were SO YUMMY!


  1. I miss shelling those...memories...

    I love that picture with all of them looking in different directions too,very artsy!

  2. Oh, I forgot! Are these the kids you were talking about before you went on vacation? We haven't "talked" in a while--it's been so busy!

  3. i LOVED it! so worth the tiring time!

    and the daycare question was classic.
