Monday, May 26, 2008

They are emerging...

When we left this morning to get the kids, there had been no change in our chrysalis. By the time we got had begun emerging. The kids were worried about it today. They were afraid they had missed it being gone.
These are very hard to photograph now that they are in their home. That netting....I can't take a picture through it. So, I unzipped the little door, then pushed down on the net with one hand(the paper they are hanging from is pinned to the netting), while holding my heavy good camera with the other handed holding/pressing the button at the same time....then the butterfly started wiggling, so I zipped it back up quick. Then I ran to the computer to load it, and Clay walked in and I said, "I am just loading this pic to see if I need to retake it." And he just told me, "Yep, you do, it's blurry!" Well, Thanks ALOT, b/c I was proud it turned out this well after all I went through to get this picture! In the first picture, you can see the body of the butterfly, it is kinda hairy, and then the wings that are still folded up.
Quiz.....Do Butterflies Fly immediately after emerging. Quiz 2, am I spelling emerging correctly?? LOL

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