Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Few from yesterday

Here is a few from yesterday. Thanks for all the sweet comments on my previous post. I don't mean to sound so down in the dumps....I just get so sad for them. And, it didn't help that a lot of the kids I met yesterday were 5 and 6 yrs old, so I was immediately thinking of my own kids. And then, even sadder for the ones older than that imagining how many more years of heartache they have had to endure. And please don't think I am always on my soapbox these days. I just want to get the awareness out, b/c you never know who might tell someone else that had thought about fostering/adopting, and just didn't know where to begin, or was scared of it.


  1. These children are so cute and seem like they have awesome personalities and yet is so sad to know that not one of them has even one parent!! Maury you are an person for doing what you do...keep it are blessing them in ways that you dont even know!! I love ya girl!!
