Saturday, May 10, 2008

Vacation Album

These pictures may not be big enough to tell, but this is my album I designed from our vacation pictures. I have NEVER been on top of it like this! I am usually making albums from a year or 2 ago. This is the first time I have designed it all my own, I usually just order from a book company where I can drop my pics in their already made templates. I ordered this in a 10x10 book, so all the pages besides the first one are 2 page spreads. I just got it in the mail today, and I am so excited, and thrilled that I already have it done!


  1. i love that. it looks wonderful. where did you get it done?

  2. You did a great job! You knew I would love it!

  3. LOVE this!

    i agree with chickadee - give us some linky love, woman!

  4. I love that book! I only wish I knew how to do this!
