Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Little Buddy Swimmer

That is the offical name of our little Beta. The kids were super excited about the new fish. Rachel asked me a million times when we were going to leave my grandma's so that we could get home to see their new fish. She was afraid it would be dead b/c we wouldn't be home to feed it!

This one was by accident....I tried to do it again where her eye was big and the fish was in focus, but it didn't happen. I never could get her in just the right spot to make her eye look big again.


  1. i JUST told the kids the other day that we could get a fish, maybe, in the fall. maybe. YAY for y'all!

  2. These pictures are so sweet! I love the big eye! Why is Rachel frowning? She looks so sad!!! YAY for Little Buddy Swimmer!!!

  3. Ha Ha...the bottom picture?? I told her to kiss the bowl, but instead she just squashed her face up against it. But...she was exhausted, we had just gotten home from a long weekend away.

  4. Arent they beautiful?The wonder in their eyes.Awesome.
