Monday, May 12, 2008

Goggles in my bathtub...

As any mom knows....with several kids in the house....everything is a constant battle. Everything. And at bedtime, once everything is calm....sometimes I look around at the battlefield and think the kids one this one! Ha get the matter what you do....all day long, it never seems enough to stay on top of the havoc they can reek in a home. The chaos that just follows them around. And yes, a lot of it is b/c I am tired at night, and don't have the energy to inforce them to pick up...yet again that day, and think it can wait until the morning. And Clay tells me all the time....What does it matter! And he is right. And I remember, when I was a messy child, thinking the same thing when my mom would rag me about the HUGE mess in my room....and I swore, when I had kids, I would not care if their room was a mess...and here I am, caring much more than she ever did!

So, last night, I settled in for a hot relaxing bath in my glorious tub. And along the edges I noticed....3 pairs of swim goggles. I do remember giving permission, in secret to Noah one night so the girls wouldn't know, that he could play with his swim goggles in the tub. But in a weeks time, and in the wake of me being always distracted, 2 more pairs have made their way to my tub....and I am sure that has added to the sopping wet bathmat in front of my tub. And for once, I just laid back, and smiled, and thought....I bet they really had a big time playing with those goggles in the tub....(I think the reason I wasn't aware was b/c they had a bubble bath....or again just b/c I am always so distracted!) And then I looked out, and amongst their dirty clothes I hadn't gotten around to picking up...I found their big long stuffed snake in the floor of the bathroom.....and thought of the stories they were probaby telling each other b/c they are ALWAYS pretending something. And as messy as that one room was just from their bathtime, and knowing every other room probably wasn't much better, I just smiled and thought....Ah....I love my children! One of these days, when there isn't mess to pick up, I will think of this moment, soaking in my tub with the goggles....and probably just cry b/c I miss them so much.

And on another note, I feel my spelling in this post may be off....and I am really just too tired to even know. My husband has set a goal to have the energy bill as low as it has ever been this month. There was a segment on Channel 7 not long ago about how much it costs per day to run certain things in the house, so he has been a man on a mission. He has unplugged all my Glade plug-ins....which were also night lights, so I can't see a thing. And not only that....he unplugged my alarm clock by my bed! He said, since we don't actually set alarms, then what do we need 2 for? Now....he knows I am BLIND AS A BAT without my glasses, and he plugged his in on HIS side of the bed up high so that I have to totally roll over, lift myself up, and squint to try to figure out what time it is. And, I know, I could plug it back in, but do you know how hard it is to get to the plug behind a bed!?! And then you have to set the darn thing! So...this morning, I woke up, and got up, and after being up about 30 mins, I looked at the clock, and realized it was 2 hours earlier than I normally get up! So, when he got up....2 hrs later, he was oh so cheerful, and asks....what did everyone get up so early for?? I told him it was time for him to plug my clock back in!!!!! LOL


  1. oh i love this!

    i like reading your thoughts on stuff. so good. and i so agree.

  2. My kids use goggles,well all the time actually...LOL
    Kyla got birthday money and that was one of the things she "had" to have...LOL

    Sounds like our bathrooms sound very similar in appearance,I know I will miss those days,I already miss the toddler days.:(

  3. That was a fun read! I'm glad you were able to sit back and just enjoy the mess. Good luck on the low energy bills.

  4. What an awesome post! I love you, sister! You're amazing!

  5. Sounds like Maury got some nerve pills!!! HA I know what you mean about slowing down and enjoying things more because they will soon be gone.. Too sad for me to think about.... With Avery now being 10 and Dalton being 4.5... WOW! Where has the time gone?

    Oh, Clay!!! LOL I have already unplugged all my stuff that we don't use every single day too!

  6. Glad you were able to forget about the mess for a minute and enjoy the kids. It's so hard when we have so much on our plates everyday to just sit back and enjoy them while they are so young!
