Sunday, May 25, 2008

It doesn't take much to entertain us!!

I caught Leah taking this pic of herself the other I plopped myself down in the chair with her, and we just had a good ol time. Clay kept looking at us smiling, b/c we were just being so goofy and laughing at ourselves while we were taking these. We were both just thinking up stuff we could do at the same time, taking the picture of ourselves, and then just laughing at what it looked like on the screen.


  1. She'll remember those times always I am certain!

  2. That 7th picture down is GORGEOUS!!I love them all,looks like too much fun!!

  3. I love the 7th one from the top! It is so sweet!

  4. AWESOME! Those are great!! I love love the one of you guys "sleeping". I wasn't as efficient a reader as the commenting ones before me...I didn't count them! Sorry!
