Friday, July 25, 2008


This is some of the work that Rachel has been doing. She knows her ABC's, but she didn't know all the lowercase letters, or the sounds of the letters. I got all this from the Homeschool Share website under ABC's lapbook. This has been great. We just concentrate on a different letter everyday, and then the next day I review all the letter sounds, and this has been a great way for her to learn all her letter sounds. Once we finish through the alphabet, then we will start with our Hooked on Phonics. I have each letter on cardstock, and then I will put the whole book together for her when we are done.

While she is working on her letters, the other 2 are working on these pages to go along with the same alphabet letter. This has been great practice for their spelling, and also their writing.
Noah likes to write small. I may regret this if I ever put them in school, but I remember hating having to write my words just perfect between those lines. His hadnwriting has improved so much since last year, just by letting him do it on his own. We spent a lot of time on reading and math last year, and now that we we are doing well with that, this year we are going to concentrate on writing stories and improving spelling and handwriting.This is something we are going to really work on this year. On this page he is suppose to make up a story to finish the sentence. This just blows his brain right now, but I want to document where he is so that I can see how he improves over time.

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