Friday, July 11, 2008

Day 2

On Monday, we headed out, with the plan to ride a Trolley around so we could see what all there was to do. While we were waiting at the stop, a man started talking to us, and told us the trolley we wanted to ride wasn't really going anywhere special, and if we wanted to go to the Riverwalk, it was just a few blocks down, so we should walk. So, we headed down there. Right before we got to the riverwalk, a lady stopped us and asked if we wanted some free tickets. All we had to do was go look at this hotel that they had just finished, and we would get the free tickets. They had a nice air conditioned van waiting to take us there, so we decided, why not? Well, we got there, and it was a sales pitch to buy a timeshare with the condos. We still didn't really care, we were in the air conditioning, and getting free tickets! A lady we talked to there said she lived in the 9th ward, and she had been living in a Fema Trailer for 3 yrs, and had just now gotten all the permits back to begin rebuilding. I can't imagine.

Anyway, we did our tour, and had our sales pitch, and the girl doing it was new. And bless her heart, she should really not share so much info. She didn't know much of anything....she didn't even know if the condo had a pool or not!?!? Then as she was explaining how the time share works, she told us that she had just learned that day that a year has 52 weeks in it...she was like...WOW, all I ever knew was that it has 12 months! Then she said, you can use your time share to go to Hawaii...b/c I just learned today that it is part of the United States! Bless her heart...I was like, well, I must be doing an o.k job teaching my kids, b/c they know all that now! haha Oh, and she also told us that her other job is a hostess at a strip club. Good grief! And then, she got her manager over there, and he got kinda huffy with us when we told him we weren't interested. He told us that wasn't fair to that girl that had been showing us around b/c she doesn't get paid if we don't buy it. He told us we should never go to a time share pitch again. Clay was quick to tell him, "well, then you need to have your people on the street tell folks why they are coming here first, if you don't want them wasteing their time!"
Anyway, the gave us our free tickets quick and shooed us out of there. Oh well, we didn't care. We got out in just enough time to walk back to the riverwalk, and get on our Steamboat Cruise. That was very nice!
This man was preaching with his bullhorn! He was really telling folks too!

These were so cute! They were everywhere, each one painted differently.
The Riverwalk along the Mississippi River
This is the top of the steamboat. The man was playing the pipes like a piano to play music while we waited in line

Our food. Not as yummy as the night before, but still pretty good. That is red beans and rice in that bowl
We forgot to take a picture of the boat, so we got these when we walked back over there that night.


  1. Oh my gosh I was laughing so hard when you were talking about that girl. How did you keep a straight face?

  2. Still sounding pretty awesome,wow,I would love to go back to New Orleans!!

  3. Oh, I want to cry for that poor girl who didn't know anything. Really, there are people out there like that and it's sad! That guy preaching with his bull horn reminds me of the lady that would preach on main street in warren? did you ever see her? She would wear all white and stand on the sidewalk at the trash can, by the spinning wheel (I worked there so we heard her often!) It was crazy.
