Sunday, July 13, 2008

Look at our fence....It is a heart on it! It was just from the rain, but isn't that cool?? That is what was greeting us when we came home from our trip. Noah noticed it.

Leah's monkey from Grammy, hanging with beads from New Orleans

And how could I forget this one? I just found it, it was another wacky pic of us in the elevator with mirrors. I guess we share a brain that we both made the same goofy face on our own!


  1. ok you and Clay are nuts.. tell Clay get him a speedo ready! LOL

  2. You two are funny with the same face in that picture! I've loved all the pictures from your trip, just not commenting due to being out of town and having limited computer time this past week. I

  3. That is so funny Dena!! I know somewhere I have a picture of Leah that looks just like that....and I hadn't even thought about me looking like Rachel. You crack me up!
