Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our birthday weekend

I have some more on my other camera, but here are some from our weekend. I had some videos I wanted to show you, but I am having trouble getting them to load. Today was Noah's birthday, but we had his special day on Friday. He first picked going to Jump Zone, but then Clay offered him the money we would have spend going there to go have the cash to go shopping at ToysRus, so that is what he chose. So, After eating at the Purple Cow, we went shopping at Toys R Us, Target, and K-mart in search of Star Wars stuff. And, we found the best stuff at K-mart. Apparently all the stores had removed all their star wars stuff from the shelves in preparation for a big Clone Wars toy release this weekend. K-mart apparently didn't get the memo b/c that is where we finally found what he wanted.
We spent today watching old home videos of when the kids were little. They were so much fun to watch! Just to hear their voices, and how they talked, so sweet! It was a fun thing to do today.

Noah's friend Sam from next door came over Friday morning to play. I think that was really more fun to him that actually going anywhere. That boy loves his friends.

At Purple Cow

I told them it was his b-day so they added whipped cream, sprinkles, and a candle! He was so excited!

Everytime we go to Target, Leah wants her picture on this big red ball sculpture outside Target. I finally had my camera, silly girl.
They did all this posing on their own...I know people walking in thought we were crazy! haha...I actually really like this big circle for pictures....if the nice door wasn't in the background.

And this is not the best picture, but I got these adorable outfits from e-bay for about $15 each, retail, $65. They are custom made, and so cute! And then, I got inspired the other night, and I made them both hairbows and flip flops to match. They were looking cute, and I was excited. LOL


  1. holy cow look at that milkshake!!!!

    sounds like a great day.

  2. That sounds like a great day!!! I love the flip flops and bows..... :)

  3. I love the girls outfits!!! But...wait a second...this post was for Noah's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, I remember when he was born. It was like I was asking Clay at work one day, "So, are you guys gonna have kids or what?" Then about 2 or 3 weeks later, he was telling me you were expecting!!! That was so cool! I remember thinking, Hmmm, I guess God heard me asking Clay and just fixed it!

    Looks like Noah had a huge day! And YAY for Purple Cow Shakes!!!!
