Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Meet Lizzy the Lizard. It is a baby lizard we found in our yard. I am too lazy to go though my older posts....but it is apparently the baby of the 2 lizards we had in our rocks by the flowers...Could be why I caught one of the lizards doing pushups on the rock one day! LOL Clay and the kids caught him....he was so tiny. We put him in our frog habitat....(we are waiting on tadpoles, but have to wait until the fall for them to mail them to us b/c of the heat) So cute! Rachel named him/her "Lizzy". We kept it in there a couple of hours, and decided wemight kill it, so we let it go. Clay and I save it from drowning 3 times, lizards aparently don't swim. Then, this morning, the kids went out, and found 3 baby lizards in the rocks.

Leah putting a cucumber in there....we think they eat bugs, but somewhere I read on the internet said they will also eat fruits and veggies. Clay put a dead ant on the cucumber. It didn't eat either, but it did lay it's body under the cucumber!

Here you can see how little it was on Clay's finger


  1. wow,that thing is tiny and how fun. I wouldn't have thought of a cucumber.

  2. We have thought several times about buying that little eco system thing that grows tadpoles into frogs. I promised Jackson that we would get it when we moved in our house!

  3. I believe that is about the cutest lizard I have ever seen!

  4. Hey, hold it by its tall and swing it around and see what happens! LOL JUST KIDDIN'

  5. How sweet! I love the tiny little lizard! We're not quite in that stage where bugs are fun to play with yet. He does try to smoosh them with his finger when they are on the other side of the dining room window, though. We may not be very bug friendly when we get bigger...we like to smoosh things a bit much.
